Friday, December 10, 2010

Porter Weston Mecham

Our sweet Porter has finally made his grand entrance into the world. For months we have been battling preterm labor, trying to keep him cooking as long as possible. Once we hit 36 weeks we were given the green light to deliver if I went into labor again. But for those that know us, you know that we never do anything the easy way. I went into labor when I was working a shift up at LDS hospital. Labor and Delivery put me on the monitors and saw that he was having some deep variables (deep but short dips in heart rate) with contractions. They recommended that I get checked at IMC as soon as possible. When I arrived I had a crazy bad contraction that would not stop. We put him on the monitor and his heart rate was in the 60’s. After about 14 minutes of complete panic and chaos we were able to get his heart rate above 100. We were later sent home and told to come back Monday for a Non stress test. The test didn’t go as well as we had hoped, he was not having excels in his heart rate without being “buzzed” by the acoustic stimulator. The decision was made to deliver him and I was sent to labor and delivery to be induced.

At this point Keith gets to the hospital, but oh my, what he showed up wearing. Because it was Monday all of the Air Force has to wear their blues instead of the usual ABU’s. Now this would have been just fine, I quite like seeing Keith in his uniform, but he was on his way to PT (physical training) and had already changed into his dirty sweats. The funny part is that he forgot to take his tennis shoes and was still wearing his shinny dress shoes for his blues. He was quite the sight. Thank heavens for Dallin who came to the hospital with a change of clothes for Keith.

After they came and broke my water everything went quite smooth and fast. After only 5 hours of labor and pushing for 2 contractions our sweet sweet little joined our lives. He weighed 6 lb 1oz 20.5 in long APGARS 8, 9. They think he was more 36 weeks then 37 weeks, but he did great . No need for O2 or anything. He is amazing.
I love that I was able to deliver where I work. I love everyone I work with and can’t imagine better people to entrust the care of my sweet little baby boy. They all did a amazing job and I will be forever grateful to them.
Now that we are home I feel so grateful for everything in my life. I have such an amazing kids and an even more amazing husband. What a wonderful world.


Brittany and AJ said...

Congrats!!!! He's very cute:)

Madalyn said...

Girl, you make some dang cute babies! Congrats and I;m glad everything went well!

Anonymous said...