Monday, November 8, 2010

33 Weeks down and hopefully only four or five more to go!! I know the picture is a little huge and disturbing. I am ubber short and so when I am prego I have nowhere but out to go. Even my OB made a comment at my last visit, “wow, you really do just hang right on out the front don’t you.” You would think that a man that works all day every day with hormonal pregnant women would know what not to say. That just him and I still think he is great. They have changed my meds and gave me some new ones so hopefully the preterm labor will soon be coming to the end and life off the couch can begin again. I have been so desperate to entertain the kids while I lay useless on the couch; I let them color my legs with magic markers. I now look like I have tattoos all over my legs, much to the amusement of the labor and delivery nurse I had yesterday. Hopefully we are in for smooth sailing from now until Porter makes his grand enterance.