We have a family tradition that of making a bear for each of the kids when they are born. Lily and Sam got to pick out Porter's.
Friday, December 17, 2010
More of Porter
We have a family tradition that of making a bear for each of the kids when they are born. Lily and Sam got to pick out Porter's.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Porter Weston Mecham
At this point Keith gets to the hospital, but oh my, what he showed up wearing. Because it was Monday all of the Air Force has to wear their blues instead of the usual ABU’s. Now this would have been just fine, I quite like seeing Keith in his uniform, but he was on his way to PT (physical training) and had already changed into his dirty sweats. The funny part is that he forgot to take his tennis shoes and was still wearing his shinny dress shoes for his blues. He was quite the sight. Thank heavens for Dallin who came to the hospital with a change of clothes for Keith.
After they came and broke my water everything went quite smooth and fast. After only 5 hours of labor and pushing for 2 contractions our sweet sweet little joined our lives. He weighed 6 lb 1oz 20.5 in long APGARS 8, 9. They think he was more 36 weeks then 37 weeks, but he did great . No need for O2 or anything. He is amazing.
I love that I was able to deliver where I work. I love everyone I work with and can’t imagine better people to entrust the care of my sweet little baby boy. They all did a amazing job and I will be forever grateful to them.
Now that we are home I feel so grateful for everything in my life. I have such an amazing kids and an even more amazing husband. What a wonderful world.
Monday, November 8, 2010
33 Weeks down and hopefully only four or five more to go!! I know the picture is a little huge and disturbing. I am ubber short and so when I am prego I have nowhere but out to go. Even my OB made a comment at my last visit, “wow, you really do just hang right on out the front don’t you.” You would think that a man that works all day every day with hormonal pregnant women would know what not to say. That just him and I still think he is great. They have changed my meds and gave me some new ones so hopefully the preterm labor will soon be coming to the end and life off the couch can begin again. I have been so desperate to entertain the kids while I lay useless on the couch; I let them color my legs with magic markers. I now look like I have tattoos all over my legs, much to the amusement of the labor and delivery nurse I had yesterday. Hopefully we are in for smooth sailing from now until Porter makes his grand enterance.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Best Holiday Ever
It is not a secret that I LOVE Halloween, it is by far the best holiday ever. This year Lily wanted to be a mermaid. I will NEVER sew a mermaid costume again as long as I live! But It turned out ok and Lily loved it.
Poor Sam, after all the time I spent on Lily’s costume I didn’t have the energy to do more and just bought Sam’s at the store. Thankfully he is easy to please and was thrilled to be Spiderman. His costume originally had a mask. For the last month he has run around the house in it like a Mexican wrestler, so when Halloween came it was nowhere to be found. It worked out for the best to just paint his face, I don’t think that he would have kept it on anyway.
We carved pumpkins this year. Keith’s brother Dallin came over and helped. He carved the princess and the frog pumpkin for Lily and a were wolf one. Keith carved the ghost for Sam and the Skull and cross bones. I carved the Jack skelington. It was so much fun! And the kids loved it. Totally going to become a new family tradition.
The Good Halloween Witch.
We started a tradition a few years ago when Lily became old enough to make the connection between trick or treating and gorging herself on candy until she is vomiting on my bedroom floor. After the kids come home from a very productive night of candy gathering they are allowed a few pieces of candy and the rest gets set out for the Good Halloween Witch. She comes during the night and exchanges their candy for a present. And Daddy wakes up with a sugar hang over the next morning. If anyone divulges this secret to my kids I will hunt you down and make you cry! And before you think that I am cruel, I do keep the majority of the candy tucked away for the kids to have later. This year I was kind of lame and didn’t get real toys for them. I ordered some Halloween books that I then forgot about and found Halloween morning and the PJ’s were in the Christmas stash. But the kids loved it. Thank Heavens they are still young enough to be easily entertained.